The 61-year-old business expert is the founder, owner and managing partner of WASTO-PAC GmbH, a company based in Erftstadt that specializes in cleaning plastic pallets and boxes for the food sector as well as in repairing and selling plastic pallets and boxes. He began his professional career in 1986 as a freight forwarder in international groupage transport and air and sea freight. From 1996 to 2001, he worked in sales for a listed British packaging company, where he sold reusable and foldable plastic load carriers for the automotive industry. From 2001 to 2010, he then took over the management of operations, logistics and sales for a pooling company that operated in Germany, Benelux and Great Britain and specialized in plastic intermediate layers and wooden pallets.
In 2010 he founded PLP24, a company for the pooling of plastic interlayers. Since 2011 he has been managing partner and founder of WASTO-PAC GmbH. In addition to his work at WASTO-PAC, he is involved in the Advisory Board at ENFIT and is a member of a working group that is working on the creation of a new guideline for reusable primary packaging.
Lecture summary:
Circular Economy: Design Requirements for Reusable Packaging
The content will cover the following topics:
- Who is WASTO-PAC (core activities)
- Terms (primary/secondary packaging, B2B – B2C, open vs. closed pooling, materials)
- Main functions of packaging
- Reasons for reusable packaging
- Why cleaning (manual versus automated, Sinner circle, effects of hot water)
- design requirements and conflicts
- Conclusion: Use your mind