Peter Désilets is Managing Director and co-founder of pacoon Sustainability Concepts GmbH, the expert agency for sustainable packaging in Central Europe, with offices in Munich and Hamburg.
The agency has an extensive network of suppliers and institutes and is itself involved in a number of customer and funding projects for innovative food and non-food packaging.
Mr Désilets is familiar with the latest packaging trends in general and the new requirements of the PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) in particular. His team has developed decision trees to make the legal requirements easy to apply and understand.
Lecture summary:
The PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) represents a major challenge for the packaging industry and brand owners in the coming years. However, from our experience, we know that many companies have not yet recognized the impact on their packaging portfolio or are only focusing on sales packaging. From 2026, transport packaging will also have to meet high requirements, which in some areas pose even greater challenges than sales packaging.
PSC – Pacoon Sustainability Concepts has already analyzed the packaging portfolios of brand owners, identified needs and necessary activities and highlighted possible options for various frontrunners in the brand space. Based on this knowledge, we have developed decision trees for retail packaging, transport packaging, e-commerce and to-go packaging that allow companies to easily go through the PPWR requirements and gain a clear perspective on the necessary activities.
Peter Désilets will use a decision tree example to demonstrate the practicality and provide insights into possible analyses and reports that can help companies become PPWR compliant more quickly.